Installing RLKS on Ubuntu 14.04
Example of installing the 32 bit Rational License Key Server on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04.
Managing IBM Rational software installs through automation series
IBM Rational software is primarily delivered in an IBM specific pacakaging format called Installation Manager Repositories. There is also a suite of tools that available to support the re-packaging and automated installation and configuration of these tools.
Compiling the BuildForge source agent on Suse 11 x64
Install pam-devel try and start xinetd, if it fails you will need to comment out some lines in the generated install script to force it through.
WebSphere and RQM on Suse ES 11 x64
Both installs are pretty straight forward, but if you are using the default ulimits you will run into a problem for an application server with the isclite and query applications deployed as well. You will see an Exception for